Musings on meshmarketing

Last week, I attended meshmarketing – a one-day gathering in Toronto highlighting social media case studies and best practices.The event took place at CiRCA, a Toronto nightclub. And I have to say, I wasn’t ready for the stanchions, bouncer attitude and...

Fixing what’s broken between journalism and PR

On Inside PR #173, my ‘-30-‘ comment, the short POV remarks we’re using to end the show, dealt with a few of the things we need to do to start fixing the pretty much broken relationship between journalism and PR. This is something that must be done....

CPRS Toronto gets connected

As many of you know, I’m the president of CPRS Toronto and, if you’re in the city, I’d encourage you to attend our first fall professional development event. It’s a panel discussion on October 15 called ‘Get Connected: Building Virtual...

To tell or not to tell…

That seems to be the question these days. It follows on changes to the FTC’s rules requiring, among other things, that bloggers to disclose if they’ve received product samples for review. There’s been a lot of discussion on the subject online and in...

How much is too much (social media, that is)?

That’s a question I was asked recently in my social media class. And it’s one that comes up a lot. With the proliferation of social networking tools, how much time should we/can we spend on various sites? I’d like to borrow my answer from a...