Yes, it’s that time of year when we come up with those life-alterning pronouncements that most people abandon pretty darn fast.

That said, I read an interesting post by Gretchen Rubin on tips to help you keep your New Year’s Resolutions and it made me think about five work-related things I’m going to try to change in 2011:  

  1. Manage my email – as opposed to letting it manage me. That’s easier said than done and won’t happen overnight. But I am determined to add a structure to the way I approach emails. I’m going to develop a schedule and stick to it as opposed to looking at my inbox willy nilly throughout the day.  Emails are a powerful means of communications, but not the only one! I’ve already turned off my instant notification. That’s a start.
  2. That leads to my next goal: Be less of a flit (no, I did not mean twit, though that too) when I’m online. I am a social media addict and I’ve become so taken by the promise of something-sometime-somewhere that I default to distraction. This means I’m less productive than I could be and often on edge about how much I have to do.  Instead, as my parents used to advise, I’m going to try to finish what’s on my plate before moving to dessert.
  3. And speaking of focus, I’m planning to read more fiction and non-fiction: 12 books in the coming year (my own book of the month club). I had fogotten the simple pleasure of getting lost in or inspired by great long-form writing. I remember now.
  4. And I’m going to rededicate myself to blogging and and aim to post twice a week.
  5. Finally – and with apologies to Timothy Leary – I will  turn off more often at home (well not while writing this post!) and refrain from pulling out my BB every few minutes on the street, at night, etc. The world can wait. If you really need to reach me in a hurry, you know how.

I’ll check in from time to time on my progress…

Do you have any resolutions you’re going to try?

About Martin Waxman

Martin Waxman, MCM, is a digital communications strategist. He conducts AI research, leads digital and social media training workshops and speaks at events across North America. He's co-founder of two PR agencies, president of a consultancy and has worked in the industry for nearly 30 years. Martin is a LinkedIn Learning instructor, teaches digital strategy and social media at McMaster University, the Schulich School of Business, University of Toronto SCS and Seneca College. He's a member of the Institute for Public Relations Digital Media Research Center and a past-chair of PRSA Counselors Academy. He has a Master of Communications Management (MCM) from McMaster-Syracuse Universities.