Inbound or outbound PR

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Because PR, and specifically media relations/publicity, seems perched on the edge of the inbound-outbound marketing fence. Neither on one side nor the other. And that’s a challenge for the industry trying to find...

Are you socially insecure, part two

Last week I wrote about online security and how important it is to change passwords in order to safeguard your accounts and privacy. Now I want to talk about that other type of insecurity – the psychological kind. As individuals who are otherwise perfectly well...

Hello again…

– Well. You’re back. – Um, what? – It’s been a while since we’ve seen you here. – Yes. Yes, I guess it has. – So… what have you been up to? – What do you mean? – I mean, where were you? – Oh. When...

Introducing my 2012 social media class

One of the things I like best about the social media class I teach is seeing the students create their blogs and bring them to life. Each person chooses a subject they’re passionate about and presents it from a personal point of view. Now that we’re well...

The difference between paid and earned

It’s pretty easy to tell them apart : – Paid means getting compensation. – Earned is… well, something that’s passed along based on merit, trust, relationships, need or  some combination of the above. Of course, we’ve all heard...