Advice to a neophyte blogger

When I was gearing up to start my blog, one of the first things I did was tell people about it, so there could be no turning back (and to build a modicum of awareness the old-fashioned way).PRWork’s David Jones offered a pre-launch tip: “I’d suggest you start...

Blogging policy

Well, I’m breaking my one post per week notion already, but I do want to list my blogging policy.I’m going to:Be honest and up-front and as creative, entertaining and insightful as I can. Always identify myself in each blogosphere post or comment.Use my best judgment...

Welcome to MyPalette

Hello out there. Welcome to MyPalette.This is an experiment – though not experimental – so long-term I’m not sure how it will turn out. Will I be here in a few months? A year? I don’t know.The bigger question is: will you? And, if so, who are you?I have a love-hate...