Joseph Thornley: on social media measurement

Today in my social media class, Joe Thornley made the trip to Hamilton and offered his ‘measured’ approach to social media… measurement, that is. He began by talking about strategies to consider and how to set goals and then provided demos of some of...

Ladies and gentlemen… presenting my social media class

For the second year running, I’ve had the pleasure of teaching a social media course to the PR students at McMaster University in Hamilton.  Like the first time, the class is a diverse group that includes both recent grads who are completing their PR...

FDOC*: social media learning curve

It didn’t matter that I’m the instructor, yesterday I had first-day jitters for my social media course. This was amplified a bit when, at 9:05, I looked around the computer lab and no one was there (we start at 9 a.m.).  Turned out the class was listed in...

Back to Mac – social media for PR course starts September 11

Most of us learn about social media from the school of hard clicks. We Stumbleupon sites…download apps…subscribe to blogs…read and bookmark cases…tweet out links…test our ideas…and gain a working knowledge along the way. And now...

Getting started in social media – new McMaster business course

As most of you know, I taught a social media for PR course at McMaster University last fall. You can read about it here, here, here and here. And now, I’m happy to report that I’m teaching an accelerated business course on SM – also at McMaster. The...