Are you socially insecure, part two

Last week I wrote about online security and how important it is to change passwords in order to safeguard your accounts and privacy. Now I want to talk about that other type of insecurity – the psychological kind. As individuals who are otherwise perfectly well...

Are you socially insecure?

Many of us are – insecure, that is – though we may not realize it. And I’m not referring to our personal psychological states (maybe in another post). Last Friday evening, I got an email from Twitter saying my account may have been compromised.  I...

Chirp Guide: a ‘TV listing’ for live-tweeting events

With all the chats, hashtags and events being shared in real time, it’s more challenging than ever to wade through the streams and discover topics of interest. Enter Chirp Guide, a new platform still in beta, founded by Rob Schutz. Chirp Guide is community-based...

Two tips for safer tweeting

Last week during the U.S. presidential debate, KitchenAid got into hot water when one of its staff tweeted a rude, snarky comment from the corporate account, rather than using a personal one. You can read more about it from Gini Dietrich. This isn’t the first...

Working in Cinerama – wide-screen on the small screen

OK, I’m not exactly referring to the movie viewing experience of the ’50s. But I am thinking wide-screen. We know our social/digital world is a visual one and as marketers and communicators we need to tell graphic stories (but not that kind of graphic :))...