Joseph Thornley: on social media measurement

Today in my social media class, Joe Thornley made the trip to Hamilton and offered his ‘measured’ approach to social media… measurement, that is. He began by talking about strategies to consider and how to set goals and then provided demos of some of...

Ladies and gentlemen… presenting my social media class

For the second year running, I’ve had the pleasure of teaching a social media course to the PR students at McMaster University in Hamilton.  Like the first time, the class is a diverse group that includes both recent grads who are completing their PR...

Remembrance Day

Each month, I write a brief president’s message for the CPRS Toronto eblast.  And I thought I’d share my most recent post because it touches on Remembrance Day. A key part of strategic communications is the art of remembering; that is, reflecting on past...

A new fall wardrobe

That’s what my blog redesign feels like. You know, those times when you walk into a store, see what you want, instinctively know it will fit like a glove without having to try it on, buy it and leave within 10 minutes… (OK, maybe that’s a man’s...