Inside PR 2.54: When the PR hits the fan

For the second time, Gini, Joe and I are in the same room for as we record Inside PR 2.54 – live before a studio audience… OK, we’re at Counselors Academy’s annual conference for PR agency leaders. The following post originally appeared on the Inside...

Putting off the Ritz

There’s a Canadian federal election in full swing. Or should I say in full baby swing – as in fun if you’re in it, but other than that quite dull.It’s the same old posturing, spinning and name calling we remember in the past – only this...

Put that in your pipe and smoke it

In a recent Inside PR podcast, I was taken to task for my statement (and I’m paraphrasing) that in Canada, tobacco companies are legal entities and, while most of us would say that smoking is bad for you, tobacco companies, like other Canadian corporations, are...

CP style

I’ve decided to convert my past blog headlines to CP style (i.e. sentence case). It’s a bit of an edit, so I’m going to do it a few entries at a time.

Stop being used

There’s an interesting post by Josh Bernoff about the way tech companies refer to their customers as users.And it dawned on me that if I’m a user then I’m probably being used.I guess that’s somewhat implicit in the symbiotic producer/customer...