I have some news…

A little over a year ago, I co-founded energi PR. I was looking to start something new.  What I didn’t realize then was that my dream was to work pretty much exclusively in social media. I wanted social to be the core. So, after many sleepless nights and lots of...

So what happened in 2010?

Well… for me a lot. For one thing, I’d never been personally involved in a merger before (or received spam M&A emails, for that matter).  But a big idea, many conversations, much travel between Toronto and Montreal and a great deal of time spent...

Counselors Academy 2010 – Twitter notes

Last year, after live-tweeting from Counselors Academy’s annual conference, I noticed my Twitter feed had become my notes for the sessions. So I used them in a blog post to capture the flavour of the event. Counselors is, as I’ve said many times, my PR...