Do you complify instead of simplify?

At Palette we have a promise (to our clients and ourselves) that our relationships and work will be based on three pillars: simplicity, energy and integrity. It’s at the heart of everything we do. But lately I’ve noticed that for some people and...

The RfP speed-date

If you work in PR or communications (or any agency, for that matter), you’ve probably done lots of RfPs. In the current economy, it seems like there are more of these every day.Now, I’m happy to jump through all the hoops necessary to win a good piece of...

The blogosphere just got a touch of class

Ever wondered how to make a good impression on clients at a formal dinner? What about knowing where to draw the line between appropriate (or inappropriate) professional communications?My colleague, Louise Armstrong, combines her expertise in PR and etiquette in a new...

PodCamp 2009

If you’re a PR person interested in social media, blogging, podcasting and the latest developments, tools and trends, I’d encourage you to sign up for PodCamp 2009 in Toronto, Feb 21 and 22. It’s a great opportunity to learn more and have a chance to...

Something’s in the air

we sent out our Palette e-holiday card – a pretty timely idea, if do say so myslef. (You may need to double click on the image to get the gist.) Then a few days later, a cartoonist from the Toronto Star published an illustration using the same joke.Now, since...