Good publicity is not a bad word

I don’t like euphemisms. And we have so many to contend with whether it’s jargon at work, legalese, political correctness or just plain obfuscation. We hide behind words for many reasons. Sometimes we’re scared, other times it’s to make us feel...

Channel surfing turned me S.A.D.

I never really liked it. Maybe because I grew up in a 2.5 channel universe (at least in my formative years).   Ever since I was young, when I watched TV, I really watched it.  Meaning I naturally tried to concentrate on everything – shows and commercials.  Even if...

Be it resolved…

Yes, it’s that time of year when we come up with those life-alterning pronouncements that most people abandon pretty darn fast. That said, I read an interesting post by Gretchen Rubin on tips to help you keep your New Year’s Resolutions and it made me...

FDOC*: social media learning curve

It didn’t matter that I’m the instructor, yesterday I had first-day jitters for my social media course. This was amplified a bit when, at 9:05, I looked around the computer lab and no one was there (we start at 9 a.m.).  Turned out the class was listed in...

Air Canada…I give up

I fly fairly regularly – not enough for the perks of super-elite status, but enough to be bumped around through the maze of disappointing service that is Air Canada. Sometimes I’m surprised by a staff member who is helpful or friendly. Mostly it’s a mildly...