Kurt Vonnegut has come unstuck in time

Novelist Kurt Vonnegut, the ‘son and grandson of architects’, was born in Indianapolis on November 11, 1922 (Veterans Day in the U.S., Poppy Day in Canada). I read that he died in New York City on April 11, 2007 – last night.That made me sad.I didn’t know Kurt...

Five things that bug me about the blogosphere (today)

I’m starting to get frustrated with certain aspects of the blogging world. So here are five things that really bug me:There are too many middle aged guys (and I do mean guys) trying to be cool kids. Sure be open, that’s a wonderful attribute. But for goodness sake, be...

A crack in my blogosphere

I’ve looked back over my entries and have come to the realization that I’ve created the Blog I Think I’m Supposed to Write as opposed to the one I Just Plain Want to Write. The trouble is I’m not sure what the one I Just Plain Want to Write is or even if I want it to...

The public in publishing, part 2

It appears that Kathy Sierra’s cyber-bullying story has had a positive resolution.Check out Giovanni Rodriguez, who highlights a blogger code of ethics, written by Tim O’Reilly.Then have a look at Shel Israel’s links to the open letters Kathy Sierra and Chris Locke,...

The public in publishing

This past week, the blogosphere was abuzz with something disturbing. Death threats, sexual harassment and cyber-bullying of the lowest kind.Visit blogger Kathy Sierra’s site and you can read about some of the things she’s been through. It’s not funny, not a dark sick...