Introducing social media

In a few weeks I’m going to be giving a presentation introducing social media to neophytes.And, in addition to offering practical how-to’s and definitions, I’d like to include a couple of slides with tips or advice from practitioners (with full...


Where I come from (Winnipeg) and in other western cities, there’s a party tradition we call ‘socials’.If you haven’t heard of them, they’re essentially a pre-nuptials bash and work like this: an engaged couple has the right to purchase a...

My network or yours

It wasn’t too long ago when networks meant television; purveyors of small-screen programming, ad spots and big shared experiences we could gab about the at work or with friends.But social media – or maybe the late arrival of the thing called convergence...

I’m starting to really appreciate Twitter

I checked my BB, as I always do when I get up in the morning, and was surprised to discover that I didn’t have a single new email. When I got to work shortly thereafter and logged into my computer, I found the same thing.Nothing new. I had that sinking feeling...

What I meme to say – five gems of social media

Not too long ago, I was tagged by Parker Mason to add my picks to Collin Douma’s five social media gems.And rather than calling out specific cases, here are a few things that opened my eyes (and mind) as I enmeshed myself in the space:1. Social media really is...