Does PR need a new name?

When I started in PR, I worked in arts and entertainment and called myself a publicist. And I was proud of the title. Then I switched to the corporate agency side and became a PR consultant who practised media relations. It didn’t take me long to realize those...

Do you complify instead of simplify?

At Palette we have a promise (to our clients and ourselves) that our relationships and work will be based on three pillars: simplicity, energy and integrity. It’s at the heart of everything we do. But lately I’ve noticed that for some people and...

Poppy Day (revisited)

Every November 11, I think of my dad, a WWII veteran and a man with a supreme joy for life. He always shared his wisdom, ideals and opinions (often without being asked), but kept the horror of his war experience to himself. He passed away over nine years ago, and for...

Introducing my social media class

Well, the social media for PR course I’m teaching at McMaster University is half over (hard to believe) and the students are busy working on their blogs. I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce and welcome them to the online community. Name Blog...

Are Canadian media responsible for spreading viral news?

You can’t pick up a Canadian newspaper, listen to radio or watch TV without hearing about H1N1, the vaccination process, supply issues, lineups…But the story doesn’t seem to have the same intensity in the U.S. It wasn’t even mentioned in Conan...