PR by the micro-moment – moment 1

PR by the micro-moment – moment 1

Does this sound familiar? You’re reading, working, talking to a colleague or friend, sitting in a restaurant, waiting for a bus. All of a sudden you’re seized by an overwhelming impulse to find something out. NOW! You’re having a micro-moment. Maybe...
Words and pictures: the dynamic duo of content marketing

Words and pictures: the dynamic duo of content marketing

If there’s such a thing as a one-two punch in content marketing, I’d say it’s a seamless blending of words and pictures. That’s nothing new, of course. Comic artists have done that for ages. So if text and visuals are the dynamic duo, the...
Social media is a lot like improv

Social media is a lot like improv

Canadians are naturally good at improv. Look at Second City, SNL, Kids in the Hall and all the standup talent from Yuk Yuk’s. Maybe it’s part of our DNA: the feeling we’re always gazing at something we can’t have. We’re also polite, happy to...
From optimist to optimize – a way forward for PR

From optimist to optimize – a way forward for PR

The PR profession has long relied on ‘the kindness of strangers’. In fact, I’d venture to guess that if you’re in PR and of a certain age, you’re probably an optimist. Or were at some point. How else could you survive in an industry with no...