How are you reading?

Normally, the question we’d ask is: what are you reading? As in content you’ll hopefully share. And, of course, that’s key. But with the recent announcement that Canada’s largest newspaper chain put itself in bankruptcy protection and with all...

Does PR need a new name?

When I started in PR, I worked in arts and entertainment and called myself a publicist. And I was proud of the title. Then I switched to the corporate agency side and became a PR consultant who practised media relations. It didn’t take me long to realize those...

Are Canadian media responsible for spreading viral news?

You can’t pick up a Canadian newspaper, listen to radio or watch TV without hearing about H1N1, the vaccination process, supply issues, lineups…But the story doesn’t seem to have the same intensity in the U.S. It wasn’t even mentioned in Conan...

Fixing what’s broken between journalism and PR

On Inside PR #173, my ‘-30-‘ comment, the short POV remarks we’re using to end the show, dealt with a few of the things we need to do to start fixing the pretty much broken relationship between journalism and PR. This is something that must be done....

To tell or not to tell…

That seems to be the question these days. It follows on changes to the FTC’s rules requiring, among other things, that bloggers to disclose if they’ve received product samples for review. There’s been a lot of discussion on the subject online and in...