Social media marketing lessons I learned from my Dad

Social media marketing lessons I learned from my Dad

Many of you know my parents had a fabric and drapery business, and it was often the topic of conversation around the dinner table. I remember my dad saying, more than once, “the customer is always right.” As a young teenager, I took that literally and would often get...
Where does your content live?

Where does your content live?

I was listening to BuzzFeed Canada’s social media editor Elamin Abdelmahmoud give a talk at Social Media Week Toronto. He said about 75% of the content they produce isn’t published on That surprised me. Here you have a successful digital media outlet...
Why it’s tough to be creative at work

Why it’s tough to be creative at work

Have you ever been called into a brainstorm and thought I’ve got so much on my plate today, I just can’t face being creative. Or when you do come up with an idea, do you feel it’s nitpicked so badly it becomes unrecognizable from what you first...
Twitter turns 10 and the tweets just keep on comin’

Twitter turns 10 and the tweets just keep on comin’

I remember when I first set up my twitter account in March 2007 just after the company turned one and was all the rage at SXSW. I don’t mind saying how nervous I felt. At the time, Twitter seemed like the great big unknown to me. And while I was fascinated, I...
Serendipity and the creative power of small data

Serendipity and the creative power of small data

Big data is all around us. You can sense it – or rather, it senses you. We may even be heading toward a data singularity, a time in the not so distant future when sensors all around us will send vast amounts of information to a centralized source to learn and adapt in...