Future not yet perfect on Blogger

In my attempt to schedule a post on Blogger, I accidentally set the date as 12/05/2008 instead of 05/12/2008, so it was slated to appear in December and not May.Oops. Realizing my error when the entry didn’t appear as expected, I tried to correct things in post...

Palette named Canada’s #1 beauty PR agency

In a survey of Canadian beauty editors, conducted by Cosmetics magazine and announced in the April/May issue, Palette PR was named the country’s top beauty public relations agency.Tall poppies be damned. This is exciting news. You can imagine how thrilled we...

Guest blogs

From time to time, I will be inviting various people I know to submit a guest blog to my(PR)palette.The opinions expressed in these posts are solely those of the author and not necessarily the opinions of this blog or Palette PR.I hope you enjoy them.

Biting the Bullet

The Magic Bullet, that is; the ‘personal, versatile countertop magician’.I finally succumbed to temptation and ordered one.I picked it up from the post office earlier in the week. I was expecting my new Visa card and was more than a bit surprised to see...