A perfect sentence

Every once in a while, I’ll come across one. Like the opening to Garrison Keillor’s hilarious novel Pontoon, which I’m currently reading:”Evelyn was an insomniac, so when they say she died in her sleep, you had to question...

Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

Anyone with kids, who remembers being a kid, or who watches the Simpsons will recognize that oft-grating phrase.It’s usually repeated ad infinitum until Homer relents.But today I’m asking the question about social media.*I’ve been a follower for...

The future is here (on blogger)

A few months ago I lamented that blogger wouldn’t allow you to schedule a pub date for your post in advance (and continued my griping here and here) . Well, that option is now available.And to celebrate (and test the functionality), I’m going to set this...

Introducing: beautygeeks!

Janine Falcon, a former Canadian Living beauty editor I know and have worked with, has just launched her blog: beautygeeks!And whether or not you’re interested in beauty opinion, news and tips, I think you’ll enjoy Janine’s writing which is playful,...