I feel like I’m on a pilgrimage of sorts, heading to SXSW for my first time. And, sitting at the airport waiting to board an early flight (having braved the March break crowd), I figured I’d test the mobile WordPress app I downloaded.

It works fairly smoothly. Not sure how to embed URLs yet. I may have to do that post-publishing. Any tips are welcome.

I’m hoping to do some mobile blogging during the Festival, alternating that with Twitter.

We’ll see…

About Martin Waxman

Martin Waxman, MCM, is a digital communications strategist. He conducts AI research, leads digital and social media training workshops and speaks at events across North America. He's co-founder of two PR agencies, president of a consultancy and has worked in the industry for nearly 30 years. Martin is a LinkedIn Learning instructor, teaches digital strategy and social media at McMaster University, the Schulich School of Business, University of Toronto SCS and Seneca College. He's a member of the Institute for Public Relations Digital Media Research Center and a past-chair of PRSA Counselors Academy. He has a Master of Communications Management (MCM) from McMaster-Syracuse Universities.