The future is here (on blogger)

A few months ago I lamented that blogger wouldn’t allow you to schedule a pub date for your post in advance (and continued my griping here and here) . Well, that option is now available.And to celebrate (and test the functionality), I’m going to set this...

The odds are in…

Since April 2nd, I’ve supped my share of rim-rolling Tim Hortons’ coffees, in hopes of coming up with…anything.According to the rules and regulations on the Rrroll Up the Rim website, my best chances were getting a food prize. Odds: 1 in 9.Here are...


I’m pleased to present the new, sleeker look of my(PR)palette, thanks to Andrew Glenn, our in-house designer. I say blogger never looked so good.Let me know what you think.


I think boingboing was the first blog I visited back when I didn’t know what a blog was. And I was instantly captivated by the delicious tidbits it presented; its odd and obscure collection of ephemera.Well, ReadWriteWeb had a ‘wonderful’ post last...

Inside Inside PR

David Jones and Terry Fallis recently invited Julie Rusciolelli, Keith McArthur and me to join the weekly Inside PR podcast, as guests on a sort of social round table.The episode, (#101), was released on Tuesday.Who knows where it’s going to take us? Perhaps I...